
The new webpage for the VFW Post 4055 - Platte County Memorial Post

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

 Attached are a few of the articles that made the local newspapers' for their Veteran's day editions.

The Platte County Landmark featured a front page story of our very own Paul Whitters the Post Chaplain.  The link for the article is below.


Two other articles of note were in the special insert of the Platte County Citizen, featuring Robert Munsey the Post Quartermaster, and Marc Turner the Post Adjutant.  No link for the articles were online but below were the stories printed.

I will bring a copy of the articles to the next meeting for anyone that would like to see.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

On Saturday November 11th, Post 4055 was honored to present the Honor Guard, and present the playing of TAPS for the Platte City Veterans Day Ceremony, honoring all branches members who have served this great nation.

Members participating in the event were Sheldon Chandler Post Commander, Bill Prost Senior Vice, Robert Munsey Post Quartermaster, Russell Martin Post Recruiter, Marc Turner Post Adjutant, Todd Stroub and Rick Williams. 

Bill's wife Edie Prost, Robert's wife Terri Munsey and Todd's wife Nancy Stroub, joined them in support of this great event.  

As always the gentlemen looked sharp and did great service in rendering honors to this special event.

Thank you Edie for providing pictures to us of this event.

Happy Veteran's Day Post 4055 and to all veterans!


Thursday, November 9, 2023

Patriot Pen and Voice of Democracy Judging

 7 NOV 2023 Judging night!

Well came together on Tuesday night and judged the single Voice of Democracy submission (very good entry!) and weighed through 120 submissions for the Patriots Pen submissions!

Luckily the Chairman, Comrade Prost, whittled down the Patriot's Pen entries from 120 to 33 for the judging panel to review. 

The judging panel consisted of Ms. Desiree, Russ, Paul B., Todd, John, and Bob. 

Todd and John left earlier in the night

Those six reviewed the submissions and scored them for Knowledge of the theme, Theme development and Clarity of ideas. 

It was very rough but five came out as the winners. The winners will be announce at tonight's meeting on 9 NOV 2023 at 7:00 PM. 

The winners will be sent on to District by 15 NOV and they should complete well. Stay tune for updates!

Buddy Poppy Drive

 Greetings Comrades!

We held our Bi-annual Buddy Poppy Drive on 3 and 4 Nov 2023 at the Platte City Price Chopper. We had 12 members and family members help out over the two days! 

Due to the tremendous generosity of citizens of Platte County we raised $1508 for our Veteran Relief fund! This fund allows us to help Veterans in the local community!

If you know of a Veteran or a family of a Veteran in need please contact us!!

No One does more for Veterans

Saturday, May 6, 2023

VFW Post 4055 Conducted their Day of Service  #StillServing by helping the City of Platte City with a clean-up of the Platte City Cemetery. The members then moved to the Larkin and Hampton Cemetery and conducted a police call there too!

 VFW Post 4055 hosted VFW Day of Service Event

Platte City, MO (6 May 2023) — Members of VFW Post 4055 participated in VFW Day of Service — a dedicated day of service led by VFW members throughout the country and the world.

VFW Day of Service, led by veterans and in concert with other organizations and civic groups, is open for anyone to participate. The second annual VFW Day of Service is the first Saturday in May (May 6), marking the start of veteran-led community service projects to take place throughout the month.

Post 4055 members took part by conducting Police Calls cleaning up litter and debris at the Platte City Cemetery, Larkin Cemetery and Hampton Cemetery. 

Bill Prost " We really appreciate the opportunity to work with the City of Platte City (thanks to DJ!) to conduct a police call at the Platte City cemetery to pick up trash and limbs or sticks. We continue to serve the local Platte County community and we are proud that our members exemplify the continued service of the VFW."

Members in the pictures are (left to right);

Blake Laughlin, Russell Martin (Day or service Committee Chair), Bill Prost (Senior Vice Commander and project leader), Robert Munsey, Kayden Laughlin, Marc Turner, Paul Fradejas, and Phill Buckler. Not shown is Hailey Turner, who took the picture.

Post member at Larkin Cemetery

Sunday, April 9, 2023

20 March 2023 Funeral for POW and Navy/Army Vet William Jordan

STAFF SERGEANT WILLIAM MORRIS JORDAN was interred on 20 March 1988 after our Post Vice Commander worked very diligently with the family to have SSG Jordan interred at Fort Leavenworth, KS.  SSG Jordan passed from this earth on March 19, 1988, in California. He served our country all his life. He began his service as an EM3, Electrician's Mate 3rd class, in the United States Navy from 1922 1926. Next, he served as a Staff Sergeant in the United States Army from 1927 1931. He then served as a Radio Engineer in the Philippian Islands for the Signal Service Corp for the United States Army until captured and became a POW in World War II. He was held by the Japanese army in the Los Banos Camp and was liberated in February 1945. April 1945, he re-enlisted as a Staff Sergeant in United States Army until 1961. He is interred at the Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery. The Missouri VFW 4055 honored him with full military honors at his final resting place. A special thank you to Missouri Congressman Sam Graves, Mike Wilson, Kim Braddock at the National Archives, Bill Prost, Missouri VFW 4055 and a special acknowledgement to Missouri Senator Tony Luetkemeyer for presenting a resolution to the Missouri Senate recognizing William M Jordan with his service. Without their dedication this day would never have happened.

The Post was honored to be the Honor Guard at his Funeral. 

Funeral for Our Past Commander and long time Post Member - Marlin LeGault

Our old Commander and Long Time Comrade Marlin Legault Passed Away

Comrade Marlin Legault's passed on Sunday, March 12, 2023 at his home in Platte City in Platte City, MO. Marlin was born August 14, 1930, in Chateaugay, New York to Marlin Charles Perry and Irene Anna (Rivers). He joined the military at the age of 16. Marlin began his Air Force training in Texas, and was stationed in Colorado, and then at Ellsworth AFB in Rapid City, South Dakota, where he met and married Frances Jane Fischer. He was later stationed at various air force bases including Tinker AFB in Oklahoma City, OK; Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage, AK; Chanute AFB in Rantoul, IL; Keesler AFB in Biloxi, MS; Brookley AB in Mobile, AL; and Clark AB in the Philippine Islands, where he served in the Flight Checker’s Squadron, working as an equipment technician, installing and testing radar systems. Marlin’s service included the Korean Conflict and Vietnam War; and he retired from military duty in 1972. Marlin was awarded the Taps & Blue Award, which led to a live appearance on the Ed Sullivan T.V. Show; he also received an award from the USAF Flight Checker’s for 30 years of continuous entertainment. Marlin continued throughout his life tinkering with electronics and computers and enjoyed various woodcarving projects. Marlin was a  member of the American Legion in Parkville, MO, and a member of the Platte City V.F.W. where he served as Commander, providing military honor guards. He was active in facilitating and fundraising the Veteran’s Memorial at the courthouse in Platte City. We will miss our old Commander and Honor Guard Leader.

The Post was honored to be the Honor Guard at his Funeral. 

Comrade Marlin LeGault Funeral 19 March 2023

Post Honor Guard presenting Honors

 Attached are a few of the articles that made the local newspapers' for their Veteran's day editions. The Platte County Landmark fea...